Things To See And Do
Brookton is the Gateway to the Central South, and is strategically located bisecting the Brookton and Great Southern Highways. Tourist traffic has increasing due to the $32m Brookton Highway development completed in 2001. 3km west of the townsite is a lookout where the entire town and the surrounding countryside can be viewed.
The Shire of Brookton Tourist Map can be viewed here.
Things to see and do around Brookton include:
Community Events
Click here to view the community events section.
Pioneer Park

The Pioneer Park in the centre of town features picnic facilities and a wonderful water feature.
Brookton Museum & Heritage Centre

The Brookton Museum and Heritage Centre houses an invaluable collection of objects and records with historic significiance to the Brookton District.
The centre is managed by the Brookton & Districts Historical Society, who work with the community of Brookton and its localities to tell their stories through the collection, conservation, research and interpretation of the community's heritage.
The Museum is open by appointment, please ring 0439 373 282.
Boyagin Rock

24km south-west of Brookton is the Boyagin Rock Nature Reserve. Boyagin Rock is an imposing outcrop which has been cracked and pitted by weathering. Boyagin Rock is a place of great cultural significance to Nyoongar people, who call it Boogin. They believe that if you walk to the top of the rock without stopping you will live a long life. Boyagin provides a refuge for a variety of wildlife including numbats, goannas, echidnas and Tammar wallabies. Take a walk through the woodlands and listen for the ringing call of the grey currawong whilst you look for the native orchids and other rare plants that grow in the Reserve.
Town Lookout

Just 2km before reaching Brookton from Perth on the left side of the road (signposted). View the farming land, surrounding bushland and the townsite of Brookton.
Boyagarra Pool

Boyagarra Pool is a natural pool on the Avon River that holds water throughout the year. It is mainly fed through river flow during winter but also has a number of springs which maintain the water level over summer. The pool is currently being restored to a functioning river ecosystem for fish, birds, other fauna and flora.
This pool is the site of a camp used by the Nyoongah Aborigines as a birth and death sanctuary. After Thomas Bowron took up the land here around the early 1900's the Nyoongahs continued to use the camp and Mrs Bowron helped to care for many of the babies and elderly people.
Other Places Of Interest
- Lions Park
- Memorial Park
- Playground at the sportsground
- Kulyaling, and Weam reserves
- Various old school sites (Touring map available from Brookton Museum & Heritage Centre)