Waste & Recycling
Area Service Collection
Rubbish bins (240 litres) in town are emptied every Tuesday. Yellow Top Recycling Bins are emptied fortnightly.
All requests for replacement bins should be directed to the Shire of Brookton. Bins can be purchased at cost. Please contact the Shire Administration Office on 9642 1106.
For problems with collection please call Great Southern Waste on 0429 813 096.
Recycling in Brookton
Recycling near you
What can be Recycled and where?
Once a fortnight you can put out all your recycling in the Yellow Top Recycling Bins provided and have it picked up by the roadside collection.
Items that can be placed into the Yellow Top Recycle Bins:
- Newspapers
- Glass Bottles and jars
- Aluminium cans
- Steel cans
- Cardboard
- Plastics 1-6 marked with a recycling emblem on the container usually on the bottom.
Public Refuse Site

The Brookton Refuse Disposal Site is located on Brookton Highway on the west side of town. Tip passes are sent out with the rates notices each year and enable access to the tip during opening hours to dispose of domestic quantities of rubbish free of charge. If you require a replacement pass, please contact the Shire office on 9642 1106.
People who don't live in the Shire of Brookton and/or do not have a Tip Pass will be charged a fee to dispose of rubbish.
Building and demolition contractors disposing of mixed building or demolition rubble will be charged a fee.
Businesses can request access outside of the normal opening hours for a fee. Contact the Shire office to make arrangements.
The Refuse Site is an approved 'Used Oil Drop-Off' facility.
Dumped Rubbish
Rubbish dumped on private property is covered under the Litter Act. Please report the incident to the Shire on 9642 1106 for investigation.
If you see rubbish dumped on Council land or parks and reserves, please report the incident to the Shire and provide as many details as possible.
It is an offence to dump household or commercial rubbish into a litter bin. If you observe this practice please report the details to the Shire.
DrumMuster Collections
Drum Muster collects cleaned chemical drums for processing to enable recycling of the materials the drums are made from. More information on this program including which drums are eligible and the cleanliness standard required can be found at www.drummuster.com.au.
The Shire of Brookton is a signatory to the Drum Muster program and runs a collection at its depot every year, usually in September.